17. Seven signs your organization needs a new strategic plan

Ever thought of your organization's health in terms of vital signs? Just like a check-up, paying attention to certain indicators can reveal a lot.

Let's tune in to your organization's "vital signs" and explore the crucial signals suggesting it might be time for a new strategic plan.

  1. Lack of Clarity: Confusion among staff and stakeholders regarding the organization's mission, goals, or priorities can signal the need for a clearer and more defined strategic plan.

  2. Changing External Environment: Significant shifts in the external landscape, such as new political mandates and socio-economic trends, might render your current plan inadequate to address these evolving dynamics.

  3. Ineffective Resource Allocation: Struggles with consistent budget constraints or resource allocation could point to the need of a revamped strategic approach.

  4. Low Employee Morale: A noticeable decline in employee morale and engagement could suggest a misalignment between strategic goals and staff motivation, warranting a reassessment of your organizational strategies.

  5. Lack of Accountability: If there's a lack of clear accountability for meeting objectives or tracking progress toward goals, it's a strong indicator that your strategic plan might need a refresh.

  6. Stakeholder Disengagement: A lack of interest or engagement from vital stakeholders, including donors, partners, or board members, could signify a need for a more engaging and compelling strategic direction.

  7. Reactive Decision-Making: Frequent reactions to crises and an ongoing cycle of ad-hoc decisions rather than proactive planning for the future might highlight the inadequacy of your current strategic plan.

Spotting these vital signs means it is time for a change. Embrace it and consider enrolling in our DIY Strategic Plan program. The program has been carefully designed to help social impact organizations like you develop their strategic plans in-house CAREfully: collaboratively, affordably, robustly, and empoweringly.

Enrollment for the January 2024 cohort closes on Dec 31st. Start the New Year with clarity, enroll today!


18. Ten valuable leadership skills you will develop through our DIY Strategic Plan program


16. Learning never ends: Acceptance into Fall 2023 Libro Social Enterprise Incubator program